Wednesday, March 12, 2014


This bears repeating:

I am blessed.

Here is why.

On March 1st I started counting my gifts and writing about these gifts here at "Visioneering Prosperity, A Journal of Gratitude."

I started counting my gifts because I was so moved by reading  Ann Voskamp  on Facebook and Twitter and her book One Thousand Gifts ; her encouraging words to count your blessing, your daily gifts, and how writing these blessings and gifts down on paper (or on a blog) you change your life.

Yesterday's prompt was "3 GIFTS READ."

1. When I woke I read the day's Lenten Lesson in the small booklet, "Christ In Our Home," a publication from Augsburg Fortress

I read: "Isaiah 51 issues the call: You who have God in your hearts are able to see beyond the present moment. Go and give to those who cannot.

This the goal of caregivers and ministries. "God, give me courage to share my own experience of your love with others."

2. And then I read today's Lenten Lesson from Keep A True Lent by Charles Fillmore, a Unity Classic Library Publication.

"Faith is the perceiving power of the mind linked with a power to shape substance. It is a spiritual assurance, the power to do the seemingly impossible. It is a force that draws to us our heart's desire right out of the invisible spiritual substance. It is a deep inner knowing that which is sought is already ours for the taking, the assurance of things hoped for."

......The halo that early artist painted around heads of the saints was not imaginary, but real. This illuminating power of faith covers the whole constitution of man, making him master of all forces centering about spiritual consciousness.......

......Spiritual ideas grow quickly when planted in the rich soil of my mind, and my body temple changes accordingly."

3. And then I started a read a new book. A birthday gift from my brother, Dennis Barone. "Report From The Interior" by Paul Auster. My brother, a poet and college professor has authored many books of poetry and criticism, including a book about Paul Auster entitled "Beyond The Red Notebook." 

The book begins: "In the binning everything was alive. The smallest object were endowed with beating hearts, and even the clouds had names. Scissors could walk, telephones and teapots were first cousins, eyes and eyeglasses were brothers. The face of the clock was a human face, each pea in your bowl had a different personality, and the grill of your parents' car was a grinning mouth with many teeth. Pens were airships. Coins were flying saucers. Stones could think, and God was everywhere."

God was everywhere. God is everywhere. Thankful I am.

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